Public Computer Availability Maps
Increase Patron Access to Library Resources
Display public computer availability maps to provide patrons with real-time availability of public computers in your facilities. The computer
floor plan is a map showing a view from above, of the relationships between computers, spaces, and physical features at one level of a structure.
CYBRARIAN® public computer mapping software includes an admin console with drag-drop capabilities to align each public computer on a digital
template of your floor plan.
Maps are automatically published to a your public interfaces including help desk monitors, a display screen near the entrance, and your website.
Public computer availability information is organized by physical location and listed by platform as PC or Mac.
A public computer availability map display helps patrons quickly discover and locate resources available in your facility.
Technical Overview
The application uses a database to identify computers by IP address on a predefined floor plan representing a physical location in your facility.
Whenever a patron logs in or logs off a public computer the application updates the database status.